6.17. 2024: Congratulations to the group for receiving an award from the Army Research Office!
6.5. 2024: Congratulations to the group for receiving a joint NSF award with the Niu group at Boston College! Thanks Dr. Jia Niu for leading the project.
4.5. 2024: Congratulations to former undergraduate student Amanda Pinson receiving the honorable mention to her NSF GRFP and admission to MIT-WHOI program!
3.29. 2024: Congratulations to former undergraduate student Caleb Liu receiving the Goldwater Scholarship!
2.7. 2024: Chenfeng joined the advisory board of NPG Asia Materials.
News from Dartmouth College time
12.14. 2023: We're delighted to share that Dr. Tang's recent work has been featured on the cover of Chem's December issue. A remarkable achievement for our team!
9.18. 2023: We team up with the Smaldone group at UTD, Gu group at UC Berkeley, Brown group at Boston U, and Ferguson group at U Chicago to develop adapative polymer network for 3D printing! This work is supported by NSF DMREF program. Link
9.15. 2023: Mingshi successfully defended his PhD thesis. He is the #3 PhD from the group. Congratulations Dr. Zhang! Thanks Prof. Michael Mastalerz for serving as Mingshi's external examiner.
4.25. 2023: Miao successfully defended his PhD thesis. He is the #2 PhD from the group. Congratulations Dr. Tang and best of luck at DuPont!
4.21. 2023: Chenfeng and Grace Gu (UC Berkeley) received Dartmouth CompX grant.
4.3. 2023: Chenfeng received Dartmouth Scholarly Innovation and Advancement Award.
3.31. 2023: Chenfeng was recognized as One of the Most Outstanding Referees for Angewandte Chemie.
3.15. 2023: The Ke group hosted Haruki Kazumi from the Ito lab at the University of Tokyo for 10 weeks.
3.3. 2023: It is happy and sad to say goodbye to Jayanta Samanta. We are proud of you and wish you the best as a new prof at SRM Institute of Science and Technology!
9.6. 2022: Chenfeng delivered a keynote at the 8th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds (MOF-2022) meeting.
8.7-12. 2022: Ron Smaldone (UTD) and Chenfeng chaired the first 3D printing of soft materials GRC. Miao and Zhuoran presented posters at this meeting. We enjoyed the sunny south California during the meeting.
7.26. 2022: Zhuoran was accepted by the Dartmouth PhD innnovation program. She will receive 50% stipend support for her third year. Following satisfactory performance, she will receive 100% stipend support for herfourth and fifth years as well as research funds for up to three years to allow you to follow herideas independent of your advisor's funded research program. Big congratulations Zhuoran!
7.2022: Chenfeng recieved Karen E. Wetterhahn Memorial Award for Distinguished Creative or Scholarly Achievement and Susan and Gib Myers 1964 Faculty Fellowship from Dartmouth.
7.2022: Chenfeng delivered his Cram Lehn Pedersern lecture and recieved his certificate at the ISMSC 2022 in Eugene, Oregon. Jayanta recieved a CrystEngComm poster prize at this meeting. Congratulations to both of them!
7.2022: Our excellent undergraduate researcher Albert Chen'24 has finished his studies at Dartmouth and he has joined Columbia University as a first-year graduate student. The world is your oyster, Albert! Albert has also receved serval noteable awards for his creative undergraudate research. The list include Elden Bennett Hartshorn Medal, John L. Zabriskie’61 Senior Chemistry Prize, and Dartmouth senior fellowship.
5.20.2022: We acknowledge the funding support from the NSF CMMI, and the Army Research Office for the GRC meeting Ron and Chenfeng will be chairing! Graduate students Miao Tang and Zhuoran Zhong will present posters at the coming GRC.
5.17.2022: Congratulations Mary! Mary (Yingzi Ma) has been accepted as one of the James O. Freedman Presidential Scholar for 2022-2023!
5.1.2022: Starting July 1, 2022, Chenfeng will be promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Congratulations to the Ke group!
3.23.2022: Chenfeng recieved the PMSE Young Investigator plaque at the spring ACS 2022 meeting.
12.15.2021: Group Xmas party and fairwell party for Qianming. We wish you all the best at Sun Yat-sen University!
11.1.2021: Congratulations to Jayanta! His HCOF-6 work has been accepted for publication in Chem (Cell Press)!
10.1.2021: Congratulations to the 3D-printing team! Our proposed research has recieved funding support from the DOE!
8.29.2021: Yunjia and Albert attended the Crystallography workshop at Clarkson University.
7.29.2021: Ke group golfing and ice-cream day.
7.19.2021: Congratulations to Qianming Lin! He received the poster award for the virtual ISMSC 2021 conference.
6.11.2021: Congratulations to Amanda Pinson 21'! She was awarded the Wright '81 Pfizer Green Chemistry award, and graduated as a chemistry major!
6.7.2021: Congratulations to Albert Chen 22'! He was appointed as a Senior Fellow for the 2021-2022 year! This is a very competitive and unique opportunity to support Albert with extended time to perform research in the Ke group. Albert also received the Zabriskie fellowship for summer research in the group.
5.21.2021: Our work on 3D-printable polyrotaxane network was accepted in Chem. Congratulation to the team work to Qianming, Longyu, Miao, Shuntaro and others!
3.1.2021: Our work on HcOF development was highlighted in NSF DMR, see this link.
2.17.2021: Congratulations to Qianming Lin, Miao Tang and formal group member Longyu Li for their work accepted by Angew. Chem. as a VIP paper!
1.13.2021: We welcome Yunjia Zhang, Zhuoran Zhong and Xiangyu Duan officially joined the Ke group. We wish they could obtain the VISA and join us physically soon!
1.13.2021: Today marked the last day of Dr. Wenxing Liu in the group. He will start as an associate professor at Zhejiang University soon. Best of luck Wenxing!
7.29.2020: We are socially distant to say goodbye to Dr. Longyu Li. He will start his research group at Sichuan University in China this fall! Best of luck, Longyu!
10.5.2019: We welcome Prof. Dieter Schluter visiting us as the Harris Visiting Professor at Dartmouth!
left to right: Baihao (IA group), Miao, Qianming, Jayanta, Longyu, Mingshi, Xisen, Chenfeng, Dieter, Dorina, Shangda, Lingyi
7.14.2019: The group is sad to say goodbye to postdoctoral fellow Andrew Duncan. He took the initiative of solving the most complex X-ray structures in HCOFs. Best of luck Andrew!
6.27.2019: Congratulations to formal group member Xuanfeng Jiang (now Prof. at Hubei U.), current group members Xunzhe and Andrew for their nice work in developing and understanding the HCOF-2-4 ! This work was just appear in JACS.
5.28.2019: Chenfeng received the Beckman Young Investigator Award!
5.21.2019: Congratulations to WISP student Virginia Wei on landing a Barbara E. Crute Memorial Scholarship to support her research during her sophomore year!
5.14.2019: Our Concept paper on 'Advanced Polymer Designs for Direct-Ink-Write 3D Printing' was accepted in Chem. Eur. J.! Congratulations to all authors!
3.22.2019: Congratulations to Mingshi and Longyu on their recent advancement to 3D print the first set of homogeneous and heterogeneous COFs! This work was just accepted in JACS.
2.11.2019: Chenfeng received a 2019 Cottrell Scholar award from the Research Corporation.
2.8.2019: The Ke group was awarded the NSF CAREER award for the development of elastic crystalline porous organic framework materials. Read the highlight here.
12.27.2018: The Ke group academic tree is growing! Chenfeng visited formal postdoctoral fellow Xuanfeng Jiang's group at Hubei University, Wuhan, China.
12.14.2018: Congratulations Haoyi Wang on successfully defended his master thesis. We wish you best of luck for your future steps!
8.24.2018: Congratulations Ruba of being selected as a Junior Research Scholar!
8.22.2018: Congratulations Qianming Lin on receiving Neukom Travel Grant to present his work at the MRS Boston this fall!
8.15.2018: The group welcomes Dr. Andrew Duncan joining us as a postdoctoral research fellow!
8.15.2018: Goodbye Jonnathan! Thanks for spending a nice summer month with us.
7.13.2018: One-year collaboration project with Qrons.Inc signed. Press release.
7.1.2018: The group welcomes Mingshi Zhang (graduate student) and Joannathan Marin (ASURE) joining us!
6.25.2018: Xunzhe presented her work on elastic porous materials in crystal engineering GRS and GRC.
6.7.2018: Congratulations to Samuel Kim '18 won the 1st Place in the Christopher G. Reed Senior Honors Thesis Science Competition and being listed as the finalist of Gazzaniga Family Prize!
6.7.2018: Congratulations to Samuel Kim '18 received The Chandler T. White 1916 Research Prize, and Oliver Darwish '18 received The John L. Zabriskie Jr. '61 Senior Chemistry Prize for their outstanding honors thesis research works!
6.1.2018: Congratulations to Samuel Kim '18, Oliver Darwish '18 and Dang Khoa Tram '18 completed their chemistry major and successfully defended their research work!
4.16.2018: Chenfeng joined the Science Advisory Board of Qrons Inc.
4.13.2018: Bye bye Xuanfeng~ Good luck at Hubei University!
3.8.2018: Xuanfeng has accepted a full professorship (Hubei province 100 talent program) in Hubei University, China. Congratulations Xuanfeng!
3.5.2018: Longyu's paper was accepted by ACIE as a VIP paper, congrats Longyu!
11.30.2017: Hao-yi and Qianming presented their posters at the national MRS 2017 fall meeting. Hao-yi's poster was selected as a Best Poster Award Nominee, congrats Hao-yi!
10.30.2017: The group acknowledges funding support from ACS Petroleum Research Fund on developing hydrogen bonded porous polymers.
9.15.2017: The group welcomes new graduate students Xunzhe Cui and Miao Tang.
8.15.2017: Xuanfeng presented his poster at the nanoporous GRC.
7.27.2017: Group alumni Yunxiao Lin was awarded Zhiyuan Distinguished Student Scholarship by Shanghai Jiaotong University based on his outstanding work carried out in the group. The scholarship is established to award undergraduate students who demonstrated great potential for their future academic career. Congratulations Yunxiao!
7.24.2017: Sam Kim was awarded 2017-2018 VKCSF Scholarship, Congrats Sam!
7.3.2017: Dr. Longyu Li joined the Ke group, welcome Longyu!
7.3.2017: Qianming presented his 3D printed polyrotaxane machine at the ISMSC-2017 in Cambridge, UK, where he met his academic grandfathers, Prof. Anthony Davis and Sir Fraser Stoddart. Travel fund is supported by Royal Society Newton Fellowship follow-on Scheme (C.K.).
6.20.2017: Hao-yi was recognized by undergraduates as an outstanding graduate student teacher! Congratulations Hao-yi!
5.17.2017: Chenfeng gave a talk at the Spring 2017 UMass Amherst Polymer Event.
5.15.2017: Our group first paper in porous organic material was accepted by JACS! Congratulations Yunxiao and Xuanfeng!
5.11.2017: Oliver Darwish '18 has been awarded a 2017 Zabriskie Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship to conduct research in the group. Congratulations Oliver and welcome to the Ke group!
4.14.2017: Prof. Jeremiah Gassensmith from UT Dallas visited our department and the Ke group.
4.6.2017: Chenfeng gave a talk at the ACS 2017 Spring Conference at SF, CA
3.31.2017: Farewell Zhiyun. Zhiyun has been working on porous organic materials and 3D printing materials in the past year. Thank you and all the best for your future career development.
3.2.2017: Prof. Yan Zhao from Iowa State University visited our department and Ke group.
2.27.2017: Our research paper was accepted by Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations Qianming Lin!
2.15.2017: Farewell Yuxiao. Yuxiao will continue his undergraduate studies at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Thank you and all the best!
11.04.2016: Prof. Ron Smaldone from UT Dallas visited our department and Ke group.
11.04.2016: Chenfeng was highlighted in Nature Chemistry blog.
10.18.2016: Congratulations to group alumni Alex Cheng for being selected as a Siemens competition semi-finalist based on his outstanding work done in the group during the summer 2016!
10.5.2016: The Aprahamian group and Ke group celebrate for Sir Fraser Stoddart winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016!
8.13.2016: Alex Cheng completed his 3-month internship in our group. He built a customized 3D printing system. Well done and best of luck, Alex!
Alex forewarn dinner @ Worthy Kitchen
8.3.2016: Samuel Kim (18') was awarded the Undergraduate Research Award to conduct his research project in the group during the coming fall term 2016. Welcome and congratulations Sam!
7.19.2016: Chenfeng's Chem52 class Organic Chemistry II is supported by Dartmouth College Gateway Initiative.
July 2016: First year graduate students Hao-yi Wang and Qianming Lin joined our group. Welcome Hao-yi and Qianming!
6.8.2016: Hyungdon (Don) Joo (19') was awarded the Sophomore Science Scholarship to continue his research project in the group during his Sophomore year. Congratulations again Don!
5.26.2016: Prof. Anthony Davis from University of Bristol visited our department.
5.17.2016: Hyungdon (Don) Joo (19') was awarded the First-Year Summer Research Award to conduct his summer research project in the group. Congratulations Don!
5.17.2016: Alex Cheng from Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science was awarded 2016 TAMS Summer Research Scholarship to conduct his summer research in our group. Welcome Alex!
2.26.2016: Undergraduate researchers Hyungdon Joo (class of 2019), Charles Springer (class of 2017) and Yunxiao Lin (class of 2017, Shanghai JiaoTong University) joined our group! Welcome all of you!
2.18.2016: Lab open-house.
2.12.2016: Dr. Zhiyun Zhang joined us as a research associate, welcome Zhiyun!
2.1.2016: Dr. Pengfei Zhang joined us as a research associate, welcome Pengfei!
2.1.2016: Lab 118 renovation finished
1.29.2016: Combiflash Rf+ automatic column system is installed
12.2.2015: Chenfeng and Jun attended MRS fall meeting at Boston, MA
9.1.2015: Newton Fellowship Follow-on Scheme 2015-2016 is granted by Royal Society
7.17.2015: Lab renovation will start on Sept 1st, 2015
A New Group at Dartmouth College
Dr. Chenfeng Ke will start his group at Dartmouth College in Sept 2015. March 2015